Once upon a time, a girl named Cristy was playing in a big garden. She lived with her mother in a small house which was situated to the south of the garden. Her mother forbidden her to go close to any stranger. Because her mother was so afraid that she may lose her child. Cristy was six years old. To the north of the garden, there lived Crystal with her father. Her father also forbidden her to meet any stranger. Crystal was six years old and she looked similar to Cristy, too. Crystal also went to the garden for the first time. And suddenly she saw someone running in the garden. She didn't care what her dad said and she went close to that girl. Well, that girl was no one but Cristy. Cristy said, "Hi, can we be friends?" Crystal said, "Umm, sure. But what is your name?" Then they introduced themselves and started to gossip. They were talking about their similarities and the similarities between their parents. Crystal said, "Cristy, sometimes my father talks about something called 'Crystallic'. And whenever I tell him to say what it actually is, he says that it is not the right time to tell me. I hate it when he acts like that." Cristy said, "Oh my God! How is it possible? I was gonna tell you that, my mom acts the same like your dad. She also talks about 'Crystallic'." Crystal was shocked to hear that. Cristy also said, "And my mother never tells me anything about my father." Crystal said, "I also don't know anything about my mom!" And the discussed many more things. After they realized, they both don't know about one of their parents, they look similar, their birthday is on the same day, their mom and dad behaves similar etc. Cristy said, "Are you guessing the same thing as I am?" Crystal said, "Yeah, Cristy! But of course that's not true, haha!" After they had fun time meeting and talking, they both went back home. They could not concentrate in any work, thinking when they will meet again. Crystal was the only friend of Cristy. Both of them studied with their parents at home. Crystal's father asked, "Why didn't you drink the milk yet, sweetheart?" And Cristy's mother asked, "Why aren't your maths done yet? Sweetie, is there any problem?" But Cristy and Crystal didn't tell their parents about their new friendship. At night, Crystal was lying in the bed trying to sleep. She was thinking, I wonder why dad never sleeps before me. I will try to find out today. She said, "Dad, can you tell me a story? Please!" Her dad said, "Ok, but not a long story. Once upon a time there was.... ." Crystal Said, "Don't tell me that it is the weird thing named Crystallic." Her father said, "But that's what I wanted to say". Her father was thinking, why do I have to make a new story when we ourselves have a sad, true and mentionable story! When Crystal told her dad to carry on talking about Crystallic to know what it is, her dad ignored and started a new story. He accidentally was gonna tell Crystal the truth. Crystal said, "I better sleep instead of listening to boring stories. Then she pretended to sleep. Her dad put his hand on Crystal's forehead and uttered a line, "Crystallic powers will always help us." Then he also went to bed. Crystal was confused and slept. On the next day, Cristy and Crystal was happy to meet each other again. Crystal told Cristy what happened last night. So, Cristy tried it with her mom and shockingly, the result was the same. They kept on meeting each other to spend time and like this, nine more years passed. Their parents started to realize that Cristy and Crystal are hiding something from them. One day, Cristy's mother asked, "Cristy, don't hide anything from me. What do you exactly do at the garden? Why are you so excited to go there? Tell me the truth." Cristy replied, "Why do you always talk about the Crystallic and never explain what it is? Tell me the truth." Cristy's mom angrily said, "I asked you something. Tell me first." Cristy told her mom, "You have your secrets, so do I. Until you tell me about your secret, I will not tell you anything." Crystal also talks strictly like this. Their parents understood, whatever happens, their attitude will always be like a princess.
Crystal and Cristy made a plan. They were fifteen years old. And their sixteenth birthday is near. They will not be in a happy mood at all even if its their birthday. They will say strict things to their parents. They will give at little hint about the friendship and promise their parents to tell about it after their parents tell them about 'The Crystallic'. One day before the birthday Cristy told her mom and Crystal told her dad, "Am I still not old enough to know about The Crystallic? If you don't tell me about it on my birthday. I will not be happy at all. I will not celebrate. And you know what, I will tell to complete strangers all I know about Crystallic, the lines you say before sleeping after keeping hand on my forehead and everything. I don't want this confusion any more. I will leave you and go wherever I want." Their parents said, "Stop! Enough! Please don't say anything bad anymore. And where will you find strangers to tell these? Make me clear about this." Crystal and Cristy said, "Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. Promise me, on that day you will tell me what I asked and I will tell you what you asked. Otherwise you might lose me." Their parents had no other options. They said "Ok" to their angry daughters getting scared that their daughters may do something crazy. At night, they were having a different type of feeling. Their whole childhood, they thought the Crystallic is something weird. But now they feel like, it is the most important thing of their life. And then they sleep.
"Good morning and a very happy birthday! Do you want a cake?"- Crystal's father said. Cristy's mother said, "Happy birthday dear. What cake do you want me to bake? And don't you wanna decorate the house?" Both of them wake up and said, "Thanks, but first of all, I want to know about The Crystallic. Then I will do other things." Their parents said, "You want to know about it in this early morning? You find it boring. Let's talk about that later." But the daughters said, "Crystallic is nothing boring or weird. It should be related to me and my loved ones. I feel like that. So, please." Their parents realized it could be the time to tell them the truth. So, Cristy and Crystal's mom and dad told them to get ready like a princess and then hear the truth. Cristy and Crystal dressed like a princess and they were looking beautiful. Now, they sat down. Their parents told them the story- "There was a kingdom called 'The Crystallic'. There was a king and a queen. They had two daughters. There was a Crystallic diamond that would protect The Crystallic. But ten years ago from now, the evils somehow managed to steal that diamond. And a very large storm occurred. One princess got separated with her father and another got separated with her mother. In that storm, the whole kingdom of The Crystallic was destroyed. I found myself with you near this garden. The king and queen of The Crystallic have some extra powers that works without the diamond. But it only gives necessary items like food materials and clothes. That's how we survive. I don't know where your other sister or parent is, and I don't know if they are still alive or not." Then both of the parents started to cry. And then they wiped the tears and said, "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't tell you before. I guess your birthday is ruined hearing this sad thing today." Crystal and Cristy were very shocked. They told their parents, "Wait a minute!" and they both ran to the garden to meet each other. They were pretty clear that they were more than best friends. They met each other and told the full story. They hugged each other. They were so excited while talking that they were walking towards the place where their parents strictly forbidden to go. Their mother and father told them to never go to the east side of this garden. Sometimes the evil powers exist there. While talking, they went to the east side.
Cristy stepped on something on something and a huge crack was made. The land got separated into two parts. Like they were on a mountain. Somehow Crystal slipped and was about to fall down. But Cristy hold her hand. Crystal was hanging. She would fall down in a short time. Because Cristy was running out of energy. She was not strong enough to carry Crystal up. She shouted so loud "Mom!" that her mother heard it. Her mother got scared and ran to the garden. She was shocked that Cristy was trying to save a stranger from falling down. Cristy's mother got angry and started to shake Cristy's hand so that the other girl falls. Cristy said, "No mom, stop! Help me save her. She is not evil. She will not harm us. She is my -" But before Cristy could tell her mom the truth, her mother already made Crystal fall down. Cristy got so upset and shouted "Noooo!". She started to cry. She said, "Mom, what have you done! How could you kill your own daughter?" Her mom replied, "You are safe. And how can that girl be my daughter? My husband and other daughter is lost." But then Cristy told about Crystal and her father. She told the things that Crystal's father said. Hearing the screams of Cristy, their father also went to the garden. "Where is Crystal?"- her dad said. But then she looked at the girl and the women beside her. He said, "Oh my God, is that you, Bella?" Their mom said, "Yes, and are you James? Oh! I never knew you are alive!" Then Cristy and Crystal's parents hugged each other. Cristy also hugged her dad. But after that, their mother (Bella) started to cry. "I can't believe how I killed my own daughter Crystal." Cristy told her father what happened. The father got so sad and said, "I'm so glad to find my lost daughter and wife back. But why? Why did this happen? Don't I have the right to spend time with my full family anymore?" Cristy couldn't tolerate it anymore. She said, "Whatever my sister will have to go through, I can also face it." Then she jumped down too. Their parents had nothing else to do. They were just sitting and crying. They could not even stop their second daughter from dying. But, Cristy found herself unharmed after dropping down. She was in a soft field. Looked like it's another palace. Then a guard came and took her inside the palace. "Honourable Queen, here is the other princess of The Crystallic." The full palace was decorated with blood and skeleton. The Queen of the Evil Palace was sitting at the front. Her name was Gloria. She said, "Welcome to the Evil Palace, Cristy. Hahaha! Your love for your sister is unlimited. You risked your life to reach to her. But if you don't tell me what I want to know, you will be dead along with your sister." Cristy said, "Where is my sister? And what do you want to know?" Gloria replied, "It has been ten years since we have the Crystallic diamond. But we are not being able to use it. There must be any secret code or something to activate the power of this diamond. You have to tell me how to use this. Otherwise I will kill you and Crystal." Cristy said, "I didn't know anything about The Crystallic or its diamond. I just learnt about it today. And you are asking me how to use that diamond! Listen, I really don't know anything about this. Let me and my sister go." "How have you thought that I will set you free so easily?" Then Evil Queen Gloria's guards took Cristy and locked her inside a prison. She saw her sister lying there. She said, "Crystal! Wake up! See, it is me. I'm here to protect you and take you back." Crystal woke up. And they were thinking how to leave the place. Suddenly, Cristy saw a giant leaf on the floor. She took it. Crystal's shoes had mud in them. So, they decided to write a small note to their parents with mud. After that, they threw the leaf as far as they can from the small window of the prison. Somehow, it reached up to their parents. Their father, James, picked it up and showed to their mom, Bella. "Evil Palace down here. - Cristy, Crystal." Their parents smiled. "I'm so glad our daughters aren't dead." "But now we must help them." Then they wrote a note or a paper and threw down. Shockingly, it entered inside the prison. Crystal picked it up. "They best way is to confuse them."
Then they made a plan. Cristy shouted, "Hello, anybody there?" An evil guard came. "I really need to talk with Queen Gloria, my sister wants to talk with her too." The Guard took both of them to the Evil Queen. "What are you two gonna say?" Crystal replied, "I'm so sorry! I realized, I could not survive if I lie to a powerful queen like you. There is a secret code to use this diamond. But I know ten codes, I memorized them when my father wrote them down in a diary. I'm not sure which one is for the diamond." The Queen replied, "Finally! Alright, try all the codes." Crystal started to say whatever comes to her head. And the guards were noting them down. Cristy suddenly remembered that once her mother said, "Our touch is magical. We can bring back our precious things by our Crystallic touch.'' They discussed many things from morning and this was one. So, probably, if someone of the Crystallic touches the diamond, it may work. Crystal was keeping the Queen and her guards busy by telling different codes. And Cristy was getting time to find a way. Then she pushed the guards and ran to the diamond. She touched it. Powers were spawning inside the diamond. It made a very bright flash and the power pushed the evils back. The diamond started to shine, very much. Crystal touched it to and it shined even more. The evils could not open their eyes. The diamond created a ladder to get up to their parents. Cristy and Crystal climbed up the ladder. And then they met their parents. Their parents touched the diamond. A light from the down went towards the evil palace. An explosion occurred and the evils got destroyed.
Crystal, Cristy and their parents were very happy. Cristy said, "This is the best birthday ever!" Crystal replied, "What do you mean by best birthday? It's the best day of my life." Their mom asked, "Sweeties, what was the best part of the day?" "First, I got to know about Crystallic. Then I got to know that my bestie is my sister. And I met my mother"- Crystal said. Cristy said, "But most importantly, we got the Crystallic diamond and destroyed the evils. All these are better than any birthday present. Crystal said, "Yeah, enough gifts!" So their dad said, "Alright, but what about a cake?" Their mom told them, "Let's bake a giant cake altogether. And tomorrow, we will leave this place and go to build up our kingdom again."
But the diamond started to fly to the sky. A beautiful fairy appreared. She said, "My name is Cindy. And my mother is kidnapped by the Evils from their second palace. If I don't give them this diamond, they will kill my mother. I am very sorry. I didn't want to ruin anyone's happiness. But I have to do this to save my mom." Then the fairy called Cindy disappeared taking the diamond. They shouted, "No, Stop!" But it was too late. Cristy said, "She was talking about the second Evil's Palace. We need to go there." Their mom said, "First we need to find it and then we need to go there." Their dad said, "After that we have to free Cindy's mother and ask help from Cindy. If we get more help, it will be easier for us." Cristy said, "But, how will we find the Second Evil Palace?" After thinking and thinking, their mom came up with an idea. All of them put their hands together and tried to call the magical spirit of The Crystallic. The spirit came. A green light appeared in the sky. "What do you want?" They said, "We want to know where the second Evil's Palace is." Sounds came from the green light, "It is near you. If you remember the place where you kept your memorial thing, you will surely find the second Evil's Palace." And the light disappeared. "Memorial thing?"- Cristy said. Crystal replied, "I don't remember keeping something memorial." They didn't understand. Suddenly, their dad looked at their mon's hand. He said, "Darling, where is your wedding ring?" The mom replied, "Wedding ring? Oh! Since I couldn't gather any information about you, I opened my wedding ring and put it in a box. Then I kept it in the store room. Now I can put it on for you if you want." Cristy said, "Wait a minute! Wasn't the ring full of memory and precious to you?" Their mom said, "Of course, what do you mean?" Crystal said, "The store room has not been checked for many years. It's enough time to build up a palace. And mom's memorial wedding ring is there. But, how would a palace fit inside a store room?" Their dad said, "We don't know, let's go and find out."
Then all of them went to the store room. There was their mom's wedding ring and a few boxes. She put on the ring. There was nothing else. Then their mom suddenly sees that some light is visible behind the boxes. She told it to others and removed the boxes. It leads to a secret path. Then they follows it and ends up in a field just like the first Evil's Palace. Before they could realize what is going on, some guards took them inside a palace like the previous Evil's Palace. Everything was the same, except for the person sitting. It was a man. He looked like the King. The Crystallic Diamond was in the middle of the palace on a stand. And beside the king, in smaller sit, an young boy of Cristy and Crystal's age was sitting. He seemed like the prince. The King said, "Hey James, Bella, Cristy and Crystal! Hello there, I was waiting for you all. Welcome the second Evil's Palace, you made it up to this. And now, help us to activate this Diamond's power. After that, I will send you guys somewhere, where nobody will disturb you about these anymore. I'll send you to God. Hahahaha!" They said, "Of couse not!" The King replied pointing at the prince, "Excuse me! You took away my son's mom. You destroyed my darling's kingdom. How dare you say 'not' to us again?" Crystal said, "No matter what happens, we will always protect the Crystallic and its things." The King whose name was Viknesh said, "Is that so? Guards, take them to the prison. NOW!!" All four of them were taken inside the prison. And the guards went to the main door of the prison. There was no way out. Every single of the other cages was empty, except for one. In that one cage, a kinda old woman was siting unconscious. And a fairy was crying outside it.
Cristy shouted, "Hey, is that you?" The fairy looked back. Yes, it was Cindy and the woman locked was her mother. Cindy ran to the Crystallic family members. "Hi, I'm so sorry. Now I realized, you cannot always get expected things from evil people even if you give them what they want. I feel so bad for taking the Crystallic Diamond from you. Now everything is messed up. Do you think you guys could ever forgive me?" Cristy replied, "Sure, but don't make the same mistake again." "Of course. I won't I have learnt my lesson already. I really regret doing that." Crystal said, "It's ok, don't be sad. But be sure that you don't help them again. But whatever you do, do carefully. The Evils are dangerous." Their mom said, "Cindy, dear, I hope you help us so the escaping becomes easier." Cindy said, "Yeah. And I know I shouldn't ask for something from you because I caused much trouble. But still can you help me free my mother?" Cristy and Crystal said, "Yes, it is surely a part of our plan to free anyone!" Their dad said, "Hey Cindy, can you tell us more about yourselves and everything you know about the Evils." Cindy said, "Well, I lived with my mom and father died before my birth. When I was little, there was a little boy like me outside the house. My mom thought we could keep the baby. Nobody recognizes the child so me and him was growing up together.He got all his rights and many facilities. But I could never forget the betrayal he did a few days ago. He suddenly started acting weird. And the next thing I knew, he was a member of the Evil family. Then he said, "Sorry to say, you guys did a lot for me, but it is time for me to reveal the truth. My real parents are in a different group. They are Evils. As their son, it doesn't suit me to leave you guys like this because you never support the Evils. Hahaha! Take that!" He tried to turn me into a monster. But as I was very innocent, the curse didn't work and instead, I turned into a fairy. He made my mom unconscious forever but she has life. And then he took us in this palace. He locked my mother. And then he made me meet with his dad 'Vicknesh'. His father made me do many things like snatching away the Crystallic Diamond from you. But they never freed my mom. So, the prince you just saw, was my adopted evil brother. I don't know how he could do this to the people who loved him so much." Then Cindy started to cry more.
Cristy said, "It's okay, Cindy. Stop crying. We gotta do some plan to make it outta here. Help us." And then they heard someone talking to the guards to come inside the prison. Cindy quickly moved herself from the Crystallic's people and went to her mom. Cindy's adopted brother, Prince Ranger came to the Crystallic family. "Cristy, I have an offer for you." Cristy replied, "For me? What is it?" Ranger said, "Will you marry me? I will keep you safe and give you peace." Cristy said, "How could you think I will agree to marry you, when you are a reason for our sufferings?" Ranger replied, "Look, I swear you will have no more sufferings." "What about my parents and sister Crystal?" "Forget about it. Why do you need to worry about them? Come on! Do what will give you happiness." Cristy replied, "Guess what, I'm not so ungrateful like you that I will not think about my family! I cannot betray the people who loved me so much. You better go away now. And how can I believe that you're not lying?" Ranger said, "You are rejecting me like that! I love you, I won't do any betrayal or ...." "Enough! Stop it and leave this place." Prince Ranger angrily left from the prison. Cinfy came to them and said, "See! He is so selfish. He did that only because he liked you for a while. He didn't care about your family. And, he didn't even come here or talk to us. It is great that you didn't agree to marry him." Crystal said, "Yeah! But Cristy, Cindy, mom, dad! Let's forget what just happened. The King didn't give us much time to decide. We need to leave from here. Let's plan how." Cindy said, "I know how. The guard has many things in his bag including hammer. I will get it with magic and send to your hand. Break the wall's part and leave from behind. If my mom was conscious she could have done that too." After doing those, they used the hammer. After that, they tried to reach to Cindy's mom and they did. The prisons were not separate but had a long distance between the Crystallic people and Cindy's mom. They all carried Cindy's mom and took her out.Cindy also went there by her fairy powers. A high fence was built. So, Cindy created a ladder. It was hard to carry an unconscious person like that, but they somehow did it. The place looked familiar. They literally reached that garden after the fence. They looked back and the fence disappeared . Maybe you could only go there by store room path. But everything was tricky and confusing. Crystal and Cristy said, "Thank you so much, Cindy!" Cindy said, "Thank you all for getting my mom out. But how will we take her back to normal life?" Their [arents said, "And we just came out of the palace without the diamond. We still have to do many things." Suddenly, they heard the sound of a big explosion.
Crystal said, "Oh my God! Was it that Evil Kingdom? What about our diamond?" Cristy said, "Nothing will happen to our Crystallic Diamond. It was, is and always will be safe." Then thier parents said, "Shouldn't we go back there and see?" Cindy said, "What about my mom? How will we go leaving her here?" "No need for that!"- Ranger says while coming on a horse. He brought his brother Angy with him. Cindy said, "Was the explosion in second Evil Palace?" Ranger said, "Well, yes." "Then how did you survive?" "Because the Crystallic Diamond will not destroy good people." Cindy said, "What a bad joke, how come you are good?" "Well, I will fulfill all your wishes now." Ranger put his hand on Cindy's mom's head and she gets well. She asked, "Where am I? Cindy, dear, where have you been and what happened?" Then Cindy told her everything. Ranger said, "Now I will give you something you've always wanted. Crystal and Cristy, please give me your hands." Then Ranger gave them the Crystallic diamond. They became happy and shocked. Ranger said, "I didn't do any evil tasks myself. My father gave me orders and if I didn't follow them, he would kill me. That's why I had to make Cindy's mom unconscious and turn Cindy into a fairy. Otherwise, believe me, I would never do these things. And this, here, meet my brother Angy. Some people are born in the Evil Palace but with good mind. He never helped the Evils and went to a village full of innocent people. My parents could never find him, but it was like he didn't even care. But today I found him and I brought him here. We promise to not cause any trouble. We are not as bad as you think." Crystal and Cristy's parents replied, "I think it is fine. Thank you so much for the things you did for us." Cristy and Crystal said, "But first of all, say sorry to your close ones who actually loved you." Ranger grabbed Cindy's hands and said, "Look, sister! I know you took care of me a lot. But I had to do a lot of things by force. Please.. Can you forgive me?" Cindy said, "Oh stop. It's totally fine. I forgave you just when I heard you did nothing on purpose." Ranger replied, "Wow, thanks a lot. I am really happy. And mom, making you sick was one of the worst things I have ever done in my life. I feel very bad." Cindy's mom said, "Oh dear, don't worry about it. I have always seen you as my own son. Of course I forgive you. It was not your fault." Everyone was very happy. Cristy and Crystal's mom said, "You all are invited to The Crystallic." Angy said, "Hey! All these horses are for you guys."
Then they went to The Crystallic. They placed the diamond where it should be. The diamond looked like it got back life. The broken Crystallic turned just like before. Everything was shining and appealing. All the suffering people just turned like as they were before. All of them happily entered the palace. Ranger said, "Umm, everyone, attention please!" He took out a nice ring and proposed to Cristy for the second time. "You know that I will not do any more evil things. So, beautiful intelligent princess of The Crystallic, will you marry me?" Now Cristy said, "Sure!" Then Angy also proposed Crystal. She also said yes and wore the ring. Everyone clapped and agreed. Their parents were happy too. Their mother said, "No more worries, everyone! Now me Queen Bella, King James, Princess Cristy, Princess Crystal, Prince Ranger, Prince Angy, we altogether will rule this kingdom. We will ensure all your basic needs." Then the king said, "Yes! And from today, Cindy will be the preserver of The Crystallic Diamond and her mother will stay here too. Then they brought many crowns and tiaras full of crystals, then they gifted everyone with those. Then their father put his hand on The Crystallic diamond and told Cristy and Crystal to touch it. They asked, "What will it do to us, dad?" Their mom said, "You two forgot everything that happened before the first storm in which we got separated. Try to remember those memories." Crystal said, "Sweets and gifts!" Cristy said, "Chocolates and candies" They remembered many more memories and laughed. Everyone was very thankful and they decided to do a party. They enjoyed a lot and ate delicious foods. They all used a special firework in the dark sky which wrote in the sky "THE CRYSTALLIC". All of them clapped. The kingdom was full of piece again.